Sunday, May 27, 2012


Before I get to the point, I’m going to explain a few things so I can better help you guys understand why I’m so freaked out. I live with two roommates. One works the night shift, gets home at 7AM and sleeps straight through until 3PM. The other has a day job and is gone from 8AM-5PM.

So every morning I get out of bed, check my social networking websites and take a shower. It was about noon when I took my shower today. Well things were going normal, as per usual, when all of a sudden there was a loud, frantic banging on the bathroom door. Like someone really needed to get in. Not an angry “get out I need to pee” knock, but a “holy shit let me in” knock. I’ve also failed to mention that we have a second bathroom downstairs.

I figured it must be an emergency so I rinsed off, dried up and got out of the bathroom. No one was around, my roommates doors were closed meaning one was gone and the other was fast asleep. I checked the bathroom downstairs, no one was in it, no one had just come from using it, the house was totally silent. I figured my roommate had just held it and went back to bed so I ignored it and continued about my day.

I figured I’d ask the roommate who was home, later on when he woke up. He looked confused and said he hadn’t woke up since he crawled in bed this morning. So who was in my house, who needed to get into the bathroom, and why?

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